You Are: On The Homepage
Hello! This is an example of a basic website. Yours will look something like this once we've worked on it a little. Everything you see here is optional, and if you really wanted to, your website could just be a couple of lines of text. This sort of thing looks more fun, though. You can use any images you want, in any format - that means you can have things like a GIF for a background or website body. It's best to make a new folder for images in your site builder files.
Coding is probably easier than you think. The code for this page is only 29 lines long, and six of those lines are the same things copied and pasted to make the buttons below. This sort of thing is actually really simple to make!
Coding is probably easier than you think. The code for this page is only 29 lines long, and six of those lines are the same things copied and pasted to make the buttons below. This sort of thing is actually really simple to make!